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If you use the EXTERNAL_TABLE parameter with the EXECUTE option, SQL*Loader will try to execute the SQL statements to create the external tables and perform the load The EXTERNAL_TABLE=GENERATE_ONLY option outputs the following information in the SQL*Loader log file: A CREATE DIRECTORY statement A complete CREATE TABLE statement for the external table, with all necessary access parameters All INSERT statements needed for loading the internal tables The DELETE statements for the directory and the external table Let s look at an example that illustrates how to generate the external table creation statements with the help of the SQL*Loader utility In this example, the internal table name is test_emp This table must already exist or you must create it before you can use SQL*Loader The SQL*Loadergenerated external table name is sys_sqlldr_x_ext_test_emp The control file for SQL*Loader is called test.

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As mentioned earlier, it is illegal to call a finalizable object in a finalizer, because it is possible that the finalizable object has been finalized already. You must not make assumptions about the order in which objects are finalized with one exception. In the namespace System::Runtime::ConstrainedExecution, there is a special base class called CriticalFinalizerObject. Finalizers of classes that are derived from CriticalFinalizerObject are guaranteed to be called after all finalizers of classes that are not derived from that base class. This leaves room for a small refinement of the finalization restriction. In non-critical finalizers it is still illegal to call other objects with non-critical finalizers, but it is legal to call instances of types that derive from CriticalFinalizerObject. The class System::IO::FileStream uses this refinement. To wrap the native file handle, FileStream uses a handle wrapper class that is derived from CriticalFinalizerObject. In the critical finalizer of this handle wrapper class, the file handle is closed. In FileStream s noncritical finalizer, cached data is flushed to the wrapped file. To flush the cached data, the file handle is needed. To pass the file handle, the finalizer of FileStream uses the handle wrapper class. Since the handle wrapper class has a critical finalizer, the FileStream finalizer is allowed to use the handle wrapper class, and the file handle will be closed after FileStream s non-critical finalizer has flushed the cached data.

ctl, and it looks like this: LOAD DATA INFILE * INTO TABLE test_emp FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '"' (employee_id,first_name,last_name,hire_date,salary,manager_id) BEGINDATA 12345,"sam","alapati",sysdate,50000,99999 23456,"mark","potts",sysdate,50000,99999.

n a production environment, it is a good idea to know whether your applications are dumping core often. It is also considered good housekeeping to know about your core files so your hard disk won t fill up with unnecessary files. The small script in this chapter tracks down and cleans up core files. The script was intended to be run as an hourly cron job, although you could change the schedule to fit your needs. The job also has its priority lowered using the nice command so that it won t interfere with the performance of regular processes on the machine. The notifications I ve received from this script have characterized chronic issues with applications on more than one occasion. Without the script, I would have never seen the patterns. This script steps through each of the locally mounted file systems and finds all core files. It determines the applications that created the core files and moves the core files to a central location for later examination. The script also logs its actions and cleans up old saved files. First we have to set up some straightforward variables.

Invoke the SQL*Loader utility with testctl as your control file Note that you re generating only the CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements; you aren t actually loading the tables $ sqlldr USERID=system/sammyy1 CONTROL=testctl \ EXTERNAL_TABLE=GENERATE_ONLY SQL*Loader: Release 102000 - Beta on Sun Mar 6 13:49:39 2005 Copyright (c) 1982, 2004, Oracle All rights reserved oracle@hp50netbsaorg [/u01/app/oracle/dba] $ Since no directory was specified for the log file, it will be created in the same directory where you ran SQL*Loader The log file for the preceding run, testlog, will have all the information in it, including the external directory and table creation statements, and the actual INSERT statements to load the data into those tables You can create the external table and then load the data directly using SQL without needing to use the SQL*Loader utility again.

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